Choosing your Tarot Deck


When you first set out to start learning about tarot, you may feel a bit overwhelmed by the vast array of decks available. It can be tempting to pick up whatever deck happens to come your way or to try a different deck every time you sit down for readings. While this is definitely not a bad practice, it’s important to choose your first deck wisely and build from there. After all, the more experienced you are with tarot, the more decks you can work with at once and the more in-depth your readings will become. Decks are an excellent tool for building your familiarity with tarot practices and Tarot terminology in general. Once you’ve worked through one or two decks, it will be easier for you to progress into new ones that may require additional practice before being fully embraced.

Avoid the Rider Waite Tarot Deck

The Rider Waite Tarot Deck is considered a classic and preeminent tool for learning about tarot. It’s the deck most often seen in books, on the internet, and in the hands of professional readers. But that doesn’t mean it’s best for beginners. For one thing, it can be overwhelming to work with this deck because there are so many symbols and information to process at once. You might find yourself having to slow down your reading speed when using this deck as a beginner because you may not be able to keep up with all the information coming at you. Additionally, because of its popularity, this deck may not have been updated with more modern keywords and imagery. When you’re first starting out, it might be difficult to find something that speaks to you in this deck because of how saturated it is.


The Benefits of Choosing Marseille Tarot Deck

The Marseille Tarot Deck is a common deck used by practicing tarot readers and occultists around the world. In addition to the familiar symbolism and imagery, it offers layers of depth that can be difficult to find in most other decks. It’s smaller than some of the other decks, which makes it perfect for those who are looking for an introductory tool without a hefty price tag. This deck also comes with a companion book that offers extensive information on the artwork and symbolism for each card. This allows you to gain more knowledge about tarot on your own time as well as share that knowledge with others. It provides a detailed look at every aspect of tarot practices from history and meaning to divination methods and spreads. With this book, you’ll have all the tools you need for an in-depth exploration of tarot. A deck like this is also great for beginners because it’s easy to pick up and learn from. The highly symbolic imagery will help you understand what your cards mean while still allowing room for interpretation. The reverse side of each card also has meanings specific to its position and position in relation to other cards in the reading, which makes it easier to understand how all 78 cards

Consecrating Your Tarot Cards

Once you've chosen your first deck, it's time to consecrate your cards. This is a way of bringing the energies and intentions of the cards into alignment with your own. By consecrating your cards, you're setting up a spiritual connection between yourself and the cards that will be helpful in future readings. There are two ways to consecrate your cards. The first is by burning the--m on an incense burner or on a lit candle, which is one option for novices. The second method is to write down the intent of each card on a piece of paper and put it in front of the corresponding card after writing out three times its title followed by "I ask that this card come forth into my life and show me _______." For example, if you were drawing the three cups from the tarot deck, you would write "I ask that this card come forth into my life and show me abundance." The second method has a more powerful impact because it allows you to create new associations between yourself and each card by writing down their intentions. This practice can help you develop stronger connections with the deck you use as well as make them more meaningful in your life.


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