Visions for Heart Oriented Tarot Readers that wish to read like the Oracle of Delphi.

 When I bought my first Tarot cards 25 years ago, I had no idea I would become a professional Tarot reader. I’ve always been fascinated by the occult and the esoteric. I didn’t know the Tarot could be used for divination or to gather psychic insight.

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“Tarot helps us look within ourselves to understand our emotions, the reasoning behind our words and conduct, and the source of our conflicts.”
― Benebell Wen

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“Some people believe tarot cards are a form of black magic or senseless new age mysticism but for me they are a practical way of talking directly to the universe.” Toyah Willcox

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“Tarot Reading is an art based on intuition, interpretation, and perception.”
― Nikita Dudani

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Considering the Ethics of Tarot Reading

How do ethical tarot readers work?

Becoming an ethical tarot reader

Stick to what you know

Confidentiality is key

Tell the truth with compassion and honesty

Let go of your judgments and opinions

Allow clients to follow their inner guidance

Upselling dubious products or services is not an option

You should not instruct your clients on what to do

Create an ethics code

“The tarot is sacred.” Alejandro Jodorowsky

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Who was the Ancient Greek Oracle of Delphi

The Oracle of Delphi

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The Oracle of Dodona

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The Oracle of Troezen

The Oracle at the Lyceum

Other oracles in Greece

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Oracles in Ancient Rome: the Sibylline Books and the Vestals



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